Organizing Your Life with a Brain Injury
These books are highly recommended to help people organize and declutter. By Eliza Marie Somers Having an organized home is more than being able to find your keys or phone with ease. Studies reveal a [...]
The Aging Brain: What You Need and Want to Know
By Eliza Marie Somers As we go about our daily lives, our brains are constantly aging. From ingesting toxins in our food, to inhaling small wildfire smoke particles, to grabbing a cold beer after [...]
How Creativity Can Enrich Your Journey Through Brain Injury
Artist Katie Caron created Neuron Forest after surviving a brain injury. Watch the process Katie used to for her collaboration with the Center for Bioethics at the University of Colorado By Eliza Marie Somers Brain [...]
How to Find Purpose After Brain Related Cognitive Impairments
By Eliza Marie Somers Research reveals that people who have a life purpose can stave off cognitive decline and even Alzheimer’s disease. However, the bad news is people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury [...]
Chronic Pain Management
By Eliza Marie Somers Putting the brakes on chronic pain is no easy task, and “living with it” is no way to live. Chronic pain can last for months even years and affects all parts [...]
Addressing Brain Injury, Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder
By Eliza Marie Somers Is the depression, anxiety and lack of motivation a result of a brain injury or is it a mental health disorder? That question can be tricky to answer for many brain [...]
The Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury on Military Families, Veterans and Active Service Members: A Resource Panel
Operation TBI Freedom is a program at Craig Hospital that helps veterans, military members and their families. Photo courtesy of Craig Hospital. By Eliza Marie Somers A plethora of benefits are obtainable to veterans and [...]
Survivor Series: It Takes a Village – Providing Information and Connections for Spanish-Speaking Survivors and their Families
By: Regina Schoenfeld Thanks to grants and donations from Mindsource Brain Injury Network; Dr. Steve and Debbie Cohen; and Dr. Danny Mistry, Aasha Brain Clinic, along with the efforts of a dedicated group of volunteers, [...]
Dr. Danny Mistry’s Aasha Brain Clinic: Neurodiversity, Concussion, and Brain Injury
Dr. Danny Mistry uses a team of healthcare professionals to help brain injury survivors. By Eliza Marie Somers As a brain injury survivor, do you sometimes feel as if you’re spinning your wheels dashing to [...]